
Friday, May 17, 2013

How Viagra works compared to how AriZe works

Definitions of “How Viagra or Sildenafil Works” and “How AriZe Works” 
Rather than treating ED purely from the mechanical side as does Viagra and the like; Arize takes a whole different angle.

First, the clinical explanation of how Viagra or Sildenafil works:
Nitric Oxide (NO) is released with sexual stimulation from nerve endings and endothelial cells in the corpus cavernosum of the penis. An enzyme then converts guanosine triphosphate (GTP) into cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP causes the smooth muscle of the penis to relax, which causes an inflow of blood which then leads to an erection. cGMP is then hydrolysed back to the inactive GMP by phosphodiesteras type 5 (PDE5).
Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction often produce too little amounts of NO. This means that the small amount of cGMP they produce is broken down at the same rate and therefore doesn't have the time to accumulate and cause a prolonged vasodilation effect. 
Sildenafil (Viagra) works by inhibiting the enzyme PDE5. This means that cGMP is not hydrolysed as fast and this allows the smooth muscle to relax.
Sildenafil is a potent and highly selective inhibitor of PDE5.

This is the clinical definition of how AriZe works:
When we first conceptualized AriZe, we wanted a product that will not only help to channel maximum blood flow to the penis, it must also enhance the libido simultaneously.

After trying many different combinations of herbs for more than a year, we finally settled with 7 types of herbs, with Eurycoma Longifolia being the main ingredient.

In case you don't know, Eurycoma Longifolia (or more popularly known as Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi in Southeast Asia) is a scientifically-proven herbal aphrodisiac and testosterone booster that is fast becoming popular in the Western world.
This is important because many men cannot achieve the erection that they wanted not because of the problem with blood flow, but due to a lack of desire.
This explains why AriZe will always be more effective than ED drugs.

So, basically Arize makes you horney and generally increases the libido for a much longer time period, as well as contains natural herbs that cause more blood flow to the penis.

AriZe is also enjoyed by many men who don’t really have an ED problem but want to have more long lasting erections, more often. Many men also report that the intensity of the orgasm when using AriZe, is greater than the intensity of the orgasm from Viagra.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Demystifying Erectile Dysfunction

It’s not easy watching our boyfriends or husbands struggle with erectile dysfunction, and we are  also dealt with some consequences as well. Emotion is definitely tied to this condition because it effect couples on intimate sexual levels.  While this can understandably burden our relationships, we owe it to ourselves, and our partners, to learn as much as we can about this very common condition.
Women are anxious to know why their partner isn’t maintaining an erection, especially when the environment and mood feels just right.  It’s important to understand that both physical and mental conditions can trigger erectile dysfunction in your partner.  This is why erectile dysfunction should be addressed early on, so both partners can work together to learn about the condition.

The natural process of aging is definitely a factor in some cases, whereas anxiety or compromised cardio vascular health are both noted causes as well.  According to the National Institutes of Health, the following have all been observed in erectile dysfunction patients.
·      Diabetes
·      Not only is erectile dysfunction observed in heart patients, but it’s also an early symptom of heart disease.
·      Nerve Damage due to prostate surgery
·      An injury to the spinal cord, penis, prostate or bladder
·      Certain bicycle seats
·      Long-term alcoholism
·      Some medications for depression and blood pressure.

To understand the condition even more, this the perfect time to learn about the anatomical structure of the penis itself.  The penis is actually one of the most complex and fascinating organs in the human body, since an orgasm involves blood, thoughts, muscles and nerves all working together.
For an erection to occur, brain and nerve impulses cause muscle chambers in the penis to relax, which allows for increased blood flow; more blood flow turns into intense pressure that causes the penis to expand.  Therefore, an erection is maintained because muscle chambers are trapping the extra blood flow. Should these muscle contract they lose hold of the blood, which then causes a penis to lose its erection, since blood flow is quickly released back into the body.
Many couples have discovered that a healthier lifestyle was a key to treating erectile dysfunction, while others swear by leading medications.  As more research is being done to learn about erectile dysfunction, we’ll undoubtedly learn more about different causes and improved treatments.  This is a very real condition that’s a part of our lives, so we should keep up with the latest news and advancements in treatments. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Erectile Dysfunction and Relationships: What you can do to help your Man

Studies show that nearly 30 million American men are inflicted with erectile dysfunction, so there’s a good chance that you’re boyfriend or husband may be struggling with this condition.  Of course, this can be a problematic situation for a couple’s love life or even encourage feelings of sexual inadequacy and low self-esteem, especially when neither partner truly understands the condition. 

The more one educates themselves on erectile dysfunction, the better apt they are to support their partner and help improve the situation.  Being open and honest about erectile dysfunction is the key to achieving a healthy sexual relationship again, which also strengthens the bond and trust between couples as well.

Rather than reacting with impatience or frustration, we should also maintain a positive attitude regarding sex and understand that erectile dysfunction is normal.  Making our boyfriends and husbands even more uncomfortable just worsens the situation dramatically, so avoid that type of behavior all together; you must be willing to support your man during this, and sacrifice your time to educate yourself, talk to experts and not making this issue about you. 

Initiating a serious, yet loving, conversation can be difficult for many couples, and it should always begin with an honest “I love you” and genuine statements of support.  Reinforce your attraction for him to counter natural feelings of sexual inadequacy and low self-esteem; there are plenty of sexual activities couples can engage in to maintain closeness while seeking the best medicinal options to deal with erectile dysfunction.  Drifting away physically from your man will make it that much harder to work through the issue together, so consider this challenge an opportunity to reaffirm your love and attraction as much as possible.

Even though this conditional feels deeply personal to your man, you could offer to drive him to doctor’s appointments or even attend sessions with him.  There are different theories and options available, so research which resources are the safest and most effective.  Some men report having migraines with the popular Viagra pill; should that be the case with your man, don’t let him feel discouraged for a second and research other viable options. Arize happens to be a fantastic alternative and over 70% of Arize customers actually prefer it to Viagra for several reasons:
  1. Initial and residual effects can last up to 3-4 days
  2. Arize is all natural and made from herbs
  3. If you are taking medications and this is a problem for taking Viagra, you shouldn't have any problems with Arize.
  4. It is considerably less costly than prescription Viagra

Erectile dysfunction has also been linked to cardio vascular health, and some men have seen vast improvements since making those necessary changes.  Since couples are a partnership, support him in his journey toward a healthier life by making changes to your diet and exercise routine as well.  This will inevitably encourage sex with increased stamina and endurance; therefore, this is a fantastic and simple option that you should consider.  Always do your best to relieve the anxiety and stress that comes with erectile dysfunction, and never give up on support and maintaining a positive attitude!